Welcome to Everyday Orchids! Thank you for visiting!
This is my site about basic orchid care, where I cover essentials like how to repot your orchid, lighting and watering tips, fertilization and more. I also give you solutions to top orchid problems like why orchid leaves turn yellow, orchid pest infestations, and disease.
You’ll also learn about topics like seaweed fertilizer for orchids, using neem oil and ground cinnamon to treat pests, and whether or not ice cubes are good for orchids. I also provide basic orchid care guides for some popular species. It’s a one-stop shop for all the orchid-related information you could possibly want!
So, how did I get into orchids in the first place? Well, my first orchid was given to me in college back in the early 2000s and ever since then, I’ve been hooked. I just love how orchid flowers seem to bloom for “forever” compared to roses, tulips or other flowers. There’s not a strong smell either, so that works well for my allergy-prone family.

Caring for my orchids, garden and other plants is my way to relax and take my mind off of things. I love seeing my orchids in bloom and seeing those first flower spikes start to grow never ceases to bring me joy. Those orchid flowers are a wonderful reward and a confirmation (to me) that I must be doing something right.
When my orchids are not in bloom, I try to give them everything they need in order to bloom again. I have a lot of different houseplants, including succulents, birds of paradise, bamboo, and more. I also have an outdoor garden with flowers and fruit trees, but orchids, by far, are my favorite plants to care for.

Through the years, I have learned, through trial and error and research, how to properly care for my orchids. I’ve learned tricks to help them thrive and get them to rebloom each year. Growing orchids can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. I am by no means an expert, but I do want to share with you what I’ve learned.
By sharing some tips and basic information, I hope to help make Everyday Orchids an incredibly helpful site for everyone who visits. I am also still learning as I go, so in some ways we will be learning together. As I encounter new situations with my orchids, I will research and then write about them here on my site.
I am thankful for the opportunity to share my knowledge and love for orchids here. Working on this site has been a labor of love. Welcome to Everyday Orchids and thank you so much for visiting.
You can follow me on Pinterest @everydayorchids.
I am also on Instagram @everydayorchids, so please join me there.
I can be contacted via email at everydayorchids01 @ gmail.com (no spacing between words in the email, but just did that here to minimize robot spammers).
Last but not least, in some of my articles, I have linked to some Amazon products that I found useful. As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no cost to you. Anything I make goes to help support the cost of running this site, so thank you very very much for using my links!